Turns out the sense of cringe I was trying to cultivate wasn't ironic enough.
I've gotten into the idea of digital gardening and I'm thinking I want to use this site as a way to keep track of what I want to learn and share what I do. The goal is that this grows as I learn and has sort of a sprawling structure to it moreso than a website that concerns itself more with appearing "professional" or commercially consumable.
To that end, in lieu of a fancier menu (partly because I waaaaaay overthought the previous one) I'm going to opt, for now, for lists of links to pages I plan on building, Ye Olde 1997-style, organized by subject. I want to keep it simple for now so I can just get content up on here, and I'll worry about how it looks later.
So here ya go:
Site directory
Planned pages not yet started are plain text, pages started are hyperlinks